15 Guerilla Marketing Tips to Power Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Whoever said offline marketing was dead obviously hasn’t taken a good look around lately. Direct mail marketing is still one of the most efficient, effective ways to forge a personal connection with your customers. It reaches them in their homes, it opens the doors to a tremendous amount of personalization and brand identity, it pops up in their mailbox (and really, who doesn’t like getting mail?).

But how do you guarantee that your direct mail marketing materials won’t become just more recycling bin fodder? Try implementing these 15 simple guerilla marketing tips to increase the response on your direct mail marketing campaign:

1)      Less sizzle, more steak. The phrase, “Sell the sizzle, not the steak” has been used for years in the marketing community; however, as online fraud and snake oil salesmen have begun to run rampant and bad sales letters have begun popping up left and right, “buzz” words designed to hype your products and vague product and service descriptions have become a turn off rather than a turn on.

2)      Use attractive graphics designed to catch the customer’s eye.

3)      Clearly illustrate your offer so they see the value the minute they open their mailbox.

4)      Personalize your message as much as possible.

5)      Offer a no-risk guarantee.

6)      Freebies are a great way to get your customers through your door.

7)      Even if you’re targeting a national audience, let them know your physical location. Having a brick and mortar presence adds credibility.

8)      Include reviews and testimonials.

9)      Use bullet points, sub-headings and sub-titles to make your message clear and easy to read.

10)   Include your toll-free number if you have one. That appeals to people outside your immediate geographical area.

11)   Make promises, then deliver-always. A customer that has a great experience the first time they respond to your ads is exponentially more likely to come back a second time.

12)   Pull in a professional printer for a high quality product.

13)   Partner up with a non-competing business to offer respondents more value for their dollar.

14)   Include discounts or free gifts within a limited response period-for example, a free oil change PLUS the $20 coupon for auto detailing if they come in by the end of the week.

15)   Use a reputable mailing list designed for your target audience. If you’re mailing your direct mail marketing materials to people who don’t care what you have to say, your ROI isn’t even going to be worth talking about.